Photo of Imam

Imam Mukul


Imam Mukul is a graduate from the University of Reading, where he obtained a BSc in Finance and Management.

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Interview: Background and Approach

Who I am and what makes me tick.

What prompted you to start a career in marketing contract compliance?

I have always wanted to pursue a career that allows me to showcase my innovative skills, but also a career that enables me to make a tangible impact within an organisation. This industry does exactly that because it is so fascinating. Ensuring that every detail is adhered to while managing the intricacies of client relationships presents a challenge that I find professionally rewarding.

How has your previous experience helped you at Financial Progression?

As a recent Graduate, my international exposure during my placement year in Italy has enhanced my adaptability and cross-cultural communication skills. I had to adapt to a new culture, a new environment, and essentially a new way of life, and this experience has helped me to successfully transition into this role.

Which part of your work gives you the greatest sense of achievement?

Having the opportunity to make a difference and contribute to the success of Financial Progression gives me a great sense of achievement. Effectively communicating intricate concepts in a way that is both clear and concise yet detailed and informative encourages me to help others succeed. The dynamic nature of contract compliance challenges me to continually learn and evolve. This journey of continuous improvement is what truly inspires me and keeps me committed.

How would people describe you?

I think people would describe me as happy, humorous, and hard-working! I am probably not the funniest in the room, but I may say the odd line to make a few people smirk.

What motivates you to do what you do?

I love numbers. But most importantly, I love explaining what numbers mean and how they can be used to solve real-world problems. Seeing the positive outcomes of our audit efforts, such as cost savings and reduced business risk, is a huge motivational factor. Also, knowing that my efforts play a role to ensure fairness in business practices provides me with a strong sense of purpose.

What can you be found doing when you’re not at work?

Outside of work, you may find me embarking on a tour of different food places and restaurants with my friends, or at the Emirates Stadium watching Arsenal play beautiful football.

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