Financial Progression will work with your marketing agencies to deliver the following outcomes:

  • Complete transparency over how your agency has spent your marketing budget.

We’ll provide you with a breakdown of fees and third-party costs, as well the specific third party and group company suppliers used on your account.

  • Assurance over whether or not your contract has been implemented as written.

We take the contents of the commercial agreement and seek evidence to ensure that both parties have fulfilled their commitments. If not, we tell you what the problem is and suggest how to fix it.

  • The return of any money you’ve given your agency that has not been spent in the way you agreed.

We identify money due back to you where actuals have come in lower than estimates. We check that you’re not paying twice for overhead and that expenses recharged are in line with the policy agreed.

  • A better understanding of your agency’s ways of working.

Although brands and agencies work closely together, your businesses are fundamentally different beasts. You are each looking at your relationship through a different lens. We provide our clients with a special pair of glasses, so that you can see each other clearly.

  • A well defined, more comprehensive contract with your agency.

During the audit process, we find ourselves testing the robustness of the contract, exposing its strengths and weaknesses. We’ll tell you what to keep and what to change.

  • Professional respect from your peers, team and bosses.

It takes courage to stick your head above the parapet. A thorough compliance audit uncovers the reality of your dealings with your agency. Some of the issues may be closer to home than you would ideally like. Recognising them and committing to fix them is good for your business and good for your reputation.