There was a time when Financial Progression was just Adrian Jenkins, its founder. Now, Adrian is supported by a team of commercially savvy, qualified, experienced senior finance professionals from audit, media, FMCG and retail backgrounds. We have the experience and the bandwidth to work with very big advertisers.

We know that finance professionals have a reputation for being — well, a bit financial rather than social (we’ve done a bit of quiet place-card shuffling at formal dinners ourselves!).

A big selector for anyone wishing to join the Financial Progression team, in fact, is the whole human factors thing… approachability, sociability and the ability to handle delicate situations and relationships with sensitivity. We’re there to count the apples… not to upset the applecart.

We’re confident that we can put our audit leaders in front of any agency’s FD and know they can ask the right questions and manage sometimes difficult conversations. After all, this is what those team members have done many times in the past in their previous roles.

Some key people at Financial Progression:

Photo of Adrian Jenkins

Adrian Jenkins

Adrian founded and built Financial Progression as the very first boutique firm of Chartered Accountants specialising solely in contract compliance audits of marketing services agencies. Read more »

Photo of Rachel

Rachel Lloyd

Rachel is a qualified and experienced Chartered Accountant who gained her audit experience within Grant Thornton, having worked in external audits focusing on the public and charity sectors. Read more »

Photo of Sadia

Sadia Hassan

Sadia Hassan is a qualified Chartered Accountant, a Big Four senior audit professional with over five years’ audit experience. Read more »

Photo of Dan Taylor

Dan Taylor

Dan Taylor started out in external audit roles and joined Financial Progression to pursue his special interest in the marketing industry. Read more →