auditor independence

Podcast: Adrian Jenkins and Darren Woolley on the role of audits in Marketing and Advertising

Excerpt: ”And on extending that metaphor, the contract ends up becoming like the marriage certificate. So you stand up…

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How do I choose the right marketing contract compliance auditor for the job?

You’ve decided to do a marketing contract compliance audit, you’ve discussed whose budget is going to fund it and now…

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The 105th thing on your ‘to do’ list may be the most important…

So imagine the scenario: you’ve got a set marketing budget that seems to be squeezed year-on-year; new opportunities…

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‘Big 4 only’ audit clauses outlawed: what’s the impact on your agency contracts?

In April 2014 legislation was approved by the EU Parliament and adopted by the Council of the European Union to make…

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Why we don’t work on a contingent fee basis

Given the fact that we have managed to find money that our clients are owed in 95% of the audit assignments undertaken…

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You can play with my train set… but not the engines

Cast your mind back to your toughest ever panel-based job interview? Now make it even tougher and it will pretty…

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What does ‘independent’ really mean when it comes to contract compliance auditors?

As I read through the agency's feedback on our draft audit report, I was somewhat surprised. Apparently, "We [the…

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