media agency audits

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ISBA Launches New Media Services Framework Agreement v3.0

As reported by Campaign 14th July 2021, ISBA has today launched its new Media Services Framework agreement (v3.0).…

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Media agency compliance audits: Follow the money

Chances are a huge proportion of your brand’s annual marketing spend is channelled through your media agency. Its…

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Symbolic graphic depicting a loudspeaker and text symbol.

Financial Progression partners with ISBA on marketing contract compliance audits

In the continuously changing landscape of media and advertising, transparency and accountability continue to figure…

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How do I choose the right marketing contract compliance auditor for the job?

You’ve decided to do a marketing contract compliance audit, you’ve discussed whose budget is going to fund it and now…

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The 105th thing on your ‘to do’ list may be the most important…

So imagine the scenario: you’ve got a set marketing budget that seems to be squeezed year-on-year; new opportunities…

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Is it clear where an agency is making money on your account?

When an agency submits a statement of work for a production job or a media plan to a brand team, you would expect that…

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Supplier rebates – how confident are you that your agency is declaring them?

Most brand/agency contracts state that an agency needs to hand over to their client any rebates received from third…

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‘Big 4 only’ audit clauses outlawed: what’s the impact on your agency contracts?

In April 2014 legislation was approved by the EU Parliament and adopted by the Council of the European Union to make…

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Why we don’t work on a contingent fee basis

Given the fact that we have managed to find money that our clients are owed in 95% of the audit assignments undertaken…

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There’s more to this contract compliance audit lark than just money…

When done in the right way, contract compliance audits of marketing services agencies deliver far more value to both…

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