creative agency audit clauses

Quote unquote: How agencies get creative with choosing suppliers

Read my lips: ‘I will always obtain multiple quotations for any production or post-production work done on behalf of…

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Agency contracts: What kind of animal are you?

Dragon, dinosaur, unicorn or sardine: which persona does your brand project? Your marketing agency contract says a lot…

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Taming alligators: Creative Agency Exit Audits

Erika Blomerus, our new Global Audit Manager, has spent a good deal of time auditing creative agencies. She likens the…

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“We’re creative people, not numbers people”

Nowadays, some of the freshest, sparkiest, outside-the-box thinking springs from the boutique creative shops. So what…

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‘Creative Accounting’ – Common Themes from Audits of Creative Agencies around the Globe

As more clients understand the broader benefits of auditing their agencies, many are exploring opportunities outside…

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4 sensible questions to ask when working with small or young agencies

During the past year we have had the opportunity to audit some small, independent and relatively young agencies in a…

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