creative agency contracts

How do I choose the right marketing contract compliance auditor for the job?

You’ve decided to do a marketing contract compliance audit, you’ve discussed whose budget is going to fund it and now…

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What a difference 365 days make

As we look back at 2016 and the world of agency relationships…

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Trust and transparency in client-agency relationships

From the perspective of any marketing contract compliance auditor, the results of the ID Comms 2016 Transparency…

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Supplier rebates – how confident are you that your agency is declaring them?

Most brand/agency contracts state that an agency needs to hand over to their client any rebates received from third…

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There’s more to this contract compliance audit lark than just money…

When done in the right way, contract compliance audits of marketing services agencies deliver far more value to both…

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You can play with my train set… but not the engines

Cast your mind back to your toughest ever panel-based job interview? Now make it even tougher and it will pretty…

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4 sensible questions to ask when working with small or young agencies

During the past year we have had the opportunity to audit some small, independent and relatively young agencies in a…

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You say potato, I say potahto

As the line goes in “Let’s Call The Whole Thing Off” sung by Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers in their 1937 movie “Shall…

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What does ‘independent’ really mean when it comes to contract compliance auditors?

As I read through the agency's feedback on our draft audit report, I was somewhat surprised. Apparently, "We [the…

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You’ve avoided handing over a ‘golden goodbye’ to your old agency. What’s next?

You've appointed a new agency. Tick. Done the exit audit of its predecessor. Tick. Read our audit report. Tick. Surely…

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