Gross ambiguity or net confusion: Understanding media commission rates
Commission fees are one of the two main methods used by advertisers to remunerate their media agencies (the other…
Agency reporting dashboards: Safe to steer by?
Can your agency’s reporting dashboard be trusted? Would you know if it wasn’t providing accurate campaign insights?…
Inside Story: ICAEW Graduate Training with Financial Progression
Daniel Taylor, two years into an ICAEW training contract, gives a first-hand account of what it’s like to be a…
ISBA Launches New Media Services Framework Agreement v3.0
As reported by Campaign 14th July 2021, ISBA has today launched its new Media Services Framework agreement (v3.0).…
Quote unquote: How agencies get creative with choosing suppliers
Read my lips: ‘I will always obtain multiple quotations for any production or post-production work done on behalf of…
Agency contracts: What kind of animal are you?
Dragon, dinosaur, unicorn or sardine: which persona does your brand project? Your marketing agency contract says a lot…
Taming alligators: Creative Agency Exit Audits
Erika Blomerus, our new Global Audit Manager, has spent a good deal of time auditing creative agencies. She likens the…
Media agency compliance audits: Follow the money
Chances are a huge proportion of your brand’s annual marketing spend is channelled through your media agency. Its…
“We’re creative people, not numbers people”
Nowadays, some of the freshest, sparkiest, outside-the-box thinking springs from the boutique creative shops. So what…
Always-On Contract Compliance Audits: Quick course corrections to keep budgets on track
Always-on marketing. Real-time analytics. 24×7 campaign management. The pace of marketing life is getting faster.…