creative agency contracts

With advertising and marketing agency contracts, God is in the details

Before you sign on the dotted line, an eye for detail and the opinions of subject matter experts can save you loads of…

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Is the top agency talent working on your business? Or on someone else’s?

When you change the agency's fee structure, how do you know you're still getting the same quality of staff on your…

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‘It’s in the contract, so it must be happening. Right?’

A major brand discovers that if you don’t look, you could be in for some surprises. As a brand working with an agency,…

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Trust in commercial relationships

“Trust me, I’m looking after your best interests.” A noble sentiment indeed, but how do you know whether your…

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How exactly do marketing agencies make money?

Like many businesses providing services, marketing agencies make money by selling the time of their people. Take a…

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Hide and seek: The game of audit clauses in agency contracts

When you’ve audited as many commercial marketing contracts as we have, it would be fair to say that we’ve seen a…

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Common contract compliance audit objectives

Why do brands typically carry out contract compliance audits of their marketing agencies? Over the years Financial…

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