agency management
Gross ambiguity or net confusion: Understanding media commission rates
Commission fees are one of the two main methods used by advertisers to remunerate their media agencies (the other…
Agency reporting dashboards: Safe to steer by?
Can your agency’s reporting dashboard be trusted? Would you know if it wasn’t providing accurate campaign insights?…
Quote unquote: How agencies get creative with choosing suppliers
Read my lips: ‘I will always obtain multiple quotations for any production or post-production work done on behalf of…
Agency contracts: What kind of animal are you?
Dragon, dinosaur, unicorn or sardine: which persona does your brand project? Your marketing agency contract says a lot…
Taming alligators: Creative Agency Exit Audits
Erika Blomerus, our new Global Audit Manager, has spent a good deal of time auditing creative agencies. She likens the…
Contract Compliance Audits during the COVID-19 outbreak
Amidst the Coronavirus and COVID-19 pandemic, some insights and advice to help advertisers decide how best to pursue…
Financial Progression joins MediaSense consortium to deliver Contract and Pricing Compliance to Crown Commercial Service
Press Release: London. 12th March 2020. Global media adviser MediaSense will lead a consortium with a digital-first…
This won’t hurt a bit: 6 reasons agencies (should) welcome a Contract Compliance Audit
The account’s running smooth as silk, the campaign metrics are through the roof, the review meetings are upbeat and…
WFA survey report: Achieving greater financial transparency with your media and marketing agencies
Financial Progression has been working with the World Federation of Advertisers (WFA) on a key piece of peer research:…
Podcast: Adrian Jenkins and Darren Woolley on the role of audits in Marketing and Advertising
Excerpt: ”And on extending that metaphor, the contract ends up becoming like the marriage certificate. So you stand up…